Sunday, October 28, 2007

love the pensieve

Just because it is the only tool to understand young Snape's worst nightmares, his love for Lily and his dedication to "the boy that survived" as an adult, I love the pensieve...


Ova (Excuse My Reading) said...

I cant give the exact resource but i read somewhere that pensieve was also Rowlings favorite artifact.
i wish i at least had the chance to see him in his memories.. :)

objects in the mirror said...

oh how i wish so...
i had no idea that Rowlings thought that way. interesting:)

sodafoxxx said...

I was wondering the same for a while. and I want to watch Severus' whole life through the pensieve, especially the times after Lily's death to Harry's first year at Hogwarts. I wish we could have a real one instead. thanks to pensieve nevertheless..